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Meeting room booking

Adding visitor registration details without creating an Outlook meeting

Pre-registering visitors when you don’t have a scheduled meeting

In this demo, we’ll show you how simple it is to pre-register visitors who aren’t linked to a meeting room or any formal Outlook event.

There are many situations where you might need to pre-register visitors who aren’t coming for a scheduled meeting. For instance, they could be contractors, clients stopping by your desk, or guests arriving for non-meeting-related reasons.

Resource Central makes it easy to register visitors – even where they visit on a regular basis, but where their timings may vary slightly day to day. Additionally, for returning visitors, their details automatically populate, saving you time.

For those with a stringent security requirement, pre-registration can allow background checks to be carried out before arrival or ensure appropriate physical security measures are in place, such as a car inspection or a security escort.

Once saved, the visitor will appear on your list for the entire week, allowing for a smooth and organised check-in process.