We help Microsoft-centric enterprises fully adopt the cloud & adapt to new ways of working.

Understand your SharePoint storage & savings potential

Take advantage of our Free Assessment and discover how much you can save on Microsoft 365 storage costs.


This is how it works:

  1. EXPLORE:  We start with a 30 minute call to demonstrate the system and discuss any concerns and pre-requisites.  Set the ball rolling on this by completing the form above.
  2. INSIGHTS:  You can run a free evaluation for 30 days during which you’ll get to profile your SharePoint storage and carry our ‘what if’ analysis based on different archiving and lifecycle management approaches.
  3. ACTIONS: We conclude with a 30 minute review call to discuss ways in which you can take action and make highly tangible storage savings.

What will this free assessment give me?

FREE SharePoint storage insights, ‘simulations’ & reports for a month

  • Discovery: Perform a meta-data scan of all sites, selected sites or site containers.
  • What-if Analysis: Simulate the impact of different ‘inactive data’ and ‘ROT’ rules. E.g. a file is inactive based on version, modified time, type or size of data.
  • Management reporting: Share detailed insights with key decision-makers to showcase the potential cost savings on your Microsoft 365 expenses.

Profile your SharePoint storage

Explore the impact of different archiving & lifecycle policies

Get data-backed management reports