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Microsoft Places Troubleshooting Hub

Error Messages and Solutions

We are excited to see how Microsoft Places will transform hybrid working by surfacing real-time insights on ‘where people are’ (or plan to be) when booking a workspace.

But here’s the kicker: Microsoft Places is still very new and is evolving rapidly, and there’s limited information available for those that have been working with the public preview.

In this article we’ll be sharing issues we’ve encountered and the fixes we’ve found that worked for us.

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Errors Working With Places

Check out the errors we’ve encountered and fixes that worked for us! Click the down arrow to view the fix.

Error: “No levels were found correlated to directory floors for the building”

Solution: This error indicates there is no feature that has a directory_id linked to the floor.

  1. First generate a CSV of all the buildings/floor/resources from Places
  2. Import your IMDF using Import-MapCorrelations
  3. The above step will create a mapfeatures.csv which you have to manually update with the details from the CSV from step 1
  4. Import your IMDF again along with the mapfeatures.csv using Import-MapCorrelations
  5. The above step will save a new correlated imdf to your folder. Then use New-Map but pointed to the correlated IMDF – not your original
Error: “Expected ‘Section’, found ‘Floor’

Along with the new desk type, a new section type has been introduced.

Sections act as a neighbourhood or zone and are a subdivision of the floor.

It is now a requirement that workspaces and desks must be parented to a section and cannot be parented directly to the floor, which was possible previously.

Rooms can be optionally parented to a section or directly to a floor.

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