We help Microsoft-centric enterprises fully adopt the cloud & adapt to new ways of working.

Microsoft 365 Management Essentials

Get Serious Storage Savings in SharePoint

Now available on demand  |   A Microsoft Teams Event

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Is your organisation’s cloud data growth outpacing your storage budget?

Microsoft 365 offers incredible storage capabilities, but rising data volumes can mean ballooning costs. Is your organisation looking for effective ways to rein in storage expenses and optimise data management?

Join us for the first webinar in our exclusive series, where we’ll unveil the tools and strategies that have our own IT manager raving (believe us – it’s a rare thing).

In the webinar we’ll show you practical, proven ways to cut SharePoint storage costs in Microsoft 365 without sacrificing functionality or user experience.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Customer Success Story: Hear how one of our clients overcame internal blockers by running a storage savings simulation, leading them to significant savings and near contract signing.
  • Live Demonstration: Watch a live demo that walks you through the initial scan of your Microsoft 365 environment. We’ll show how our solution has minimal impact on the end-user experience while offering deep insights into potential savings.
  • Run a Simulation: Learn how to run a simulation in your own environment and see just how much data and costs you can save with Microsoft 365 optimisation tools.


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